Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Shannon Smith reflection

1.This project was a feature story over a unique artist at Olathe Northwest who expresses herself through her appearance. By appearance I mean that she paints her face based on her mood that day. She also talks about what her plans are for the future and talks about her attitude about the road ahead for her.

2. A week before we had even started talking about what we were going to do for this video we wanted to find a unique person at ONW who wasn't afraid to express themselves. After we had chosen Shannon we started planning out what we were going to do, like what the interview was going to look like so then we wrote interview questions. After that we interviewed her and started to get B- roll of her in her art classes and we wanted something that would make the video come together really nicely and so we decided to have her paint her face for us and we would use that as some of our b-roll. Then of course we put all the video together to create a story that would show our school who Shannon was.

3. From making this video learned that getting a sequence of b-roll really does make the video look better as a whole but also makes it so that you don't have to go back and keeping more b-roll. Another thing I learned was that when you do 2 different angles on an interview try not to get to far on the side of her face get more in between the side and the front.

4. Overall I think this video is the best video I've ever done there is not much I would change about it. One thing I would have changed was the second interview angle was too far on the side of her face and that day she had face paint and we should've put the second camera on the side with the face paint on it would have definitely made that angle more interesting.

5.This video to me was a really good one. I think there are a lot of things I will do the same on my next video like getting good sequencing for b-roll and getting good interviews. Also choosing interesting characters who have interesting things to say. Im really proud on the outcome of this video.

6.Some experiences I would draw from this video like I said is get good sequencing and try and do interviews different ways to make the video more interesting.

7. Im really proud on the outcome of this video. For me I feel this is the best video I'm made this year so far and I'm going to continue and try to make good news packages like this one. I feel like this really told a great story about a unique artist here at ONW that some people may not have known.

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